Viktor Andersson

UX-Designer with an aestethic set of mind.

Welcome to my portfolio!

I focus on creating design concepts and experiences that empowers people and solves real-life problems.

My passion is user-research, game design and gamification.

I see it as a big part of the future and we've only seen the tip of the iceberg yet.  - The game has just begun. 

My work

AreaChica AB - 2021

My team and I re-designed and added features to the existing page in order to help users complete their profiles and to make them understand the value proposition of the platform.

Dreams AB - 2021

My team took on the mission to make the company increase their revenue but at the same time, gain knowledge about their customers.

BetChill AB - 2021

I created a UI concept with user centered design for a mobile betting platform.

World Beyond War - 2021

"Finding Peace"

Designed an educational board game for the organization World Beyond War, which is available on the steam platform.

 Our game is a part of several human rights modules and has a central role in the world refugee day module which takes place in  many different schools in Ireland.


As UX Designers we came in two weeks after their launch, hence, there was not much data to go on. In this short period of time stakeholders at AreaChica saw three areas of their service that needed to be solved.

One of these areas was the registration process and the completion of a company profile in their showroom;

AreaChica clients get access to the platform in a self-onboarding process. Clients must register basic company and personal information to get started. Thereafter the client must complete their own profile and build their Showroom. What we see is that clients start to build their Showroom but without completing the necessary info.

This gives us a problem as the Showroom looks half done and we have to manually contact the client and help them. How do we engage the user to 100% profile and Showroom completion during the registration process? 


Customer: AreaChica AB

Sprint scope: 3,5 weeks.

Team: Five UX-Designers.

Role: UX-Designer, Project lead, Researcher.

My responsibilities:

  • Qualtitative user research
  • Protoyping & User testing
  • Customer communication
  • UX/UI Design

The challenge

“How can Dreams understand what our customer’s needs are and tailor the upsell and cross sell experiences based on this on our app?.”

- Dreams is a financial well-being application with the goal to boost users private economy through saving "hacks".


Customer: Dreams AB.

Sprint scope: 3 weeks.

Team: Five UX-Designers.

Role: UX-Designer, Project lead, Researcher.

My responsibilities:

  • Recruitation
  • Conducting various Interviews
  • User testing
  • Customer communication
  • Sprint report
  • Design

Step #1 - Planning

We started the design sprint with some old fashioned planning. We set the goals for each week to be achieved and what we should do step by step.

The planning  was on a shared miro board, which made it possible for everyone involved to stay updated for eventual changes in the plans and priority changes.

Step #2 - Research

We did research about similar financial apps and other related apps to see what works, and what not.

We conducted expert interviews and also got numbers and data from Dreams.

We had to get familiar with the Dreams application and to do research on financial and savings behaviour in general. Which made it easier for us to identify problems that we could solve. 

Step #3 - Interviews and insights.

We also recruited users, ex-users and non-users of financial applications to conduct qualitative user-research to get insights and understanding about the general behavior behind our questions.

What makes people use it or not? How could we reach a broader market? Why has people left and why are people still using it? Why does some people totally reject apps like this? What makes an app preferable? and so on.

All these questions had the purpose to identify a problem or several. We collected the data and identified the common pattern from the interviews according to the answers and our insights.

Step #4 - Identifying problems and ideate solutions

When we saw the common pattern of what was good and what caused problems for users, ex-users and also from non-users.

We were able to identify what problems that could be solved to face this challenge.

We compiled the wants and needs and our own insights that we got from our interviews and saw what could be done.

We brainstormed solutions to write on the board.

Thereafter did we  sort out the solutions with biggest potential.

We researched on the internet about the suggested solutions and at the same time preparing user-tests and building prototypes to see how our solutions worked in real life.

Step #5 - Iteriation, user-test and deliver.

We tried our prototypes during our user-tests with our solutions toward this challenge. We did some design changes accordingly the tests and iterated the process.

The feedback was good and in fact did we not only come up with one solution but three in total! 

Solution #1 - Personalize the UI

This solution is so simple but yet brings an really personal touch for your experience while using the application.

We introduced light/darkmode so that the users is able to change how the app looks for them.

We also introduced "friendly mode" which makes fontsizes bigger for anyone with vision impairments.

There were several users during the qualitative user-research who mentioned  the colors scheme and felt like it was annoying or would like a less wearing color scheme and that's why we saw this solution as a must!

Solution #2 - Brand recognition and profit boosting.

Mascot marketing has been used successfully by many huge companies around the world to boost profits, improve brand recognition and drive sales.

The main purpose of mascot marketing is to strengthen the brand identity.

The mascot will help Dreams to create and strengthen Dreams brand story, leaving a lasting memory with the users.

By creating a story and a character that the users can identify with, the users will feel a part of Dreams, and, as a result, will be far more likely to purchase their product or service. Thats why we created the Dreams mascot "Spargrisen". ("Piggybank")

Solution #3 - Easy hands-on tutorial

Another problem that was an insight and mentioned through several interviews, were, that many people who wasn't that familiar with dreams had not  seen all of the feautures that users who was familiar with dreams,  loved and used frequently.

These features was in the shadows and we understood that with an easy tutorial which explores all the aspects of the application and its features, would highlight the benefits of the app, and would make users and non-users to understand the true value of what Dreams can do for your financial well-being.

Finding Peace - The Game

- A mission from the global movement World BEYOND wars.

Effects of Investing in Infrastructure vs Investing in War

The theme for this game project came from World Beyond War (Links to an external site.).

The brief was that the game should simplify - yet be able to reflect quite accurately - the effects to the people when governments invest in warfare instead of infrastructure, and vice versa.

The game should carry educational / learning points, but be engaging enough and replayable.

It should also be able to serve as a tool to help decision makers make better choices that will benefit the people and thus, the country.

The Game had a few criterias:

- Be playable Solo and by 2-4 players.

- There should be BOTH PvP(Player-vs-Player) AND Co-op(Cooperative) modes to our game.

- A full session should average 25 - 30 mins of play time. It should not take less than 15 mins for a game to complete.

- Should take no more than 15 mins to learn the rules and set up the game. You should also be able to learn the game by jumping right in.


Organisation: World BEYOND War

Game design scope: 4 weeks.

Team: Five design students.

Role: Game lead designer, Concept creator, User tester, Prototyper, UI artist, Researcher.

My responsibilities:

  • Project Lead
  • Concept creator
  • User-testing
  • Prototyping
  • UI design
  • Mechanics design

Step #1 - Research

(if you don't like to read just scroll past this part to the end delivery.)

Due to the openess of the mission were we required to do our own research about which area of the effects of war we would focus our game on.

We went straight away to do the research, and were supposed to share our insights and idéas first thing in the morning after.

When we gathered for our group session did I suggest we should focus about refugees, because it's a common denominatior throughout all wars, and throughout all history.

I also presented some horrific statistics about refugees in the world today (mainly from UNHCR as a source).

It was consensus and we continued to build on that idea.

Step #2 - Ideation and planning

It was in this step I became the game lead designer due to the lack of game experience from the rest of my project group.

We was working remotely so we all got the tabletop simulator from the steam platform, in that way could we collaborate in an realistic enviroment togheter and we played around a bit to make everyone comfortable with the tools we was going to work with alot the upcoming weeks.

We started to ideate how  and what could be done to educate the masses around a refugee journey.

We tried to emphasize and imagine how a refugees journey could take place according to our research.

We agreed upon having two parts in the game one where there is a war zone where you start and the journey zone where you have to make it outside. We agreed that money was the most important asset to have to have a chance to get out from the war zone. We agreed on several ways to earn money and mechanics how to use them and loose them. We came up with mechanics that we could use as Co-op elements and PVE elements. The PVP elements is naturally infused as one player can get to the peace before the other players.

Step #3 - Test and iterate

And so we did! Iteriation for weeks!

We managed to get a set-up which we found working pretty good, and talked over and over the newly proposed game mechanics that we changed during the iteriations. We tested it ourselves mainly but also did we manage to playtest our game with the help from a playtesting discord server, I also personally playtested it on almost all of my friends and family as well, where we got great insights on adjustments, and on which parts of the game that was lacking.

Along with the iteriations and mechanic design of the rules and its compnents, was I designing icons for the different tiles, game cards and had a hand on the game board as well, all to put it  in context of our topic and consistency of the design.

Step #4 - Deliver "Finding Peace"

It wasn't until the end of the project the game got a name, Finding Peace became the name for our game,  we voted democratically within our group. I must say to give such a game like this a name was hard!

The project ended with a presentation(you can see the presentation here) of the game for World beyond war and our mentor.

The game got a bit out of the theme but still managed to find it's own place.

The game became much better than we believed at the beginning of the project, and it became really appreciated by World beyond wars.

It is now both playable on the steam platform and also as a print and play version.

It will now work as a central role in several human rights modules World beyond war hosting at Irish schools for example during world refugee day.

Finding Peace - End delivery

The sell sheet -

Used for informational and promotional purposes.

Overview start -

This is how it looks in the beginning of each new game.

Overview rules -

This is how the rulesheet looks whats the meaning behind the icons on the tiles and what the rules are.

Obstacle cards -

The obstacle cards are created to inform about the real challenges refugees may encounter.

The lucky cards are alot fewer than the obstacle cards and is a game mechanic rather than a product of our research.

Finding peace an educational boardgame which highlights the unjustice and the challenges that refugees encounter every day.


Create slides and

UI-design concept

BetChill wanted some slides which illustraded their user  flow, before games and during live games. It is used on their site, to show to investors and also in different sport betting events.

BetChill AB is a game-provider (B2B) with a vision to enable operators to offer different sports betting experiences.


Customer: BetChill AB.

Duration: 3 weeks.

Team: Solo job.

Role: UX/UI-Designer, Researcher, user-tester.

What i did:

  • Customer appointments
  • Conducting research
  • Recruitation and user-testing
  • Customer communication
  • UI and UX design

The Brief

I was kind of confused when I got the brief by mail, a classic pdf

which was very long and complex but after the customer appointment it all became very clear - what I was supposed to do, and also what their vision was.

The exciting part of this little project was that they haven't yet decided company colors, fonts or anything at all. Which was to me a great oppurtunity to set the UI-concept for the whole company.


I held a great communication with the product owner during the process. I shared the figma board so that they could follow the progress in real time.

In that way could I request instant feedback whenever there were som major questions about the design decisions. One question was about their color approach. Would they prefer a darkmode interface version or a lightmode interface version as their standard.

I also made several user tests which would give me the insights and basis of several design decisions.

Due to the possibility to follow my work in real time did the customer put in some valueable information throughout the iteriations. Which made my deliviery more valuable.

The Delivery

Created these slides as the UI-concept for the betting platform.

I used the same font as the company uses on their website for consistency in the brand.

I chose two colors with alot of contrast which would draw more attention and in that way feel hype.

I strongly dislike the top area with all the buttons and overwhelming information, but I had to include them accordingly to rules and legislations.

I used Figma to create the UI. I created an interactive melt-in navigation bar at the bottom of the screen, and I also did an general highlighting mechanic which allows the user to easily locate themselves inside the app.

wireframed, prototyped and conducted user testing, and made design decisions with the user in focus.

The company got very pleased with the end product.